St. Michael’s Weekly Post – For Week Beginning 25th January 2019

St. Michael’s Weekly Post – 4th February 2019

1st February 2019

Year 3 Trip:  On Wednesday 6th February 2019 Year 3 will be visiting Oxenwood Outdoor Centre for a stone age experience.  We will be leaving St Michael’s at 9.15am returning at 12.30pm.  Children will need to wear warm, weather appropriate clothing and bring school clothes to change into on their return.  If you haven’t done so, and can help with transport please fill in the form overleaf.

Ridgeway House Day:  On Friday 8th February 2019, Ridgeway House will be holding a house day raising money for Prospect Hospice.  Children can come to school dressed up as someone special to them or wear a splash of green and yellow for £1.  During the day they can take part in 5 various activities within school ranging from 10p to 50p.  So save up your change for some fun while raising money for such a good cause!

Year 4 Liddington Trip:  Year 4 still need some volunteers to help with driving to Warren Liddington Farm and returning from Liddington Hill.  If you can help one way or both ways please fill out the form overleaf.

Emergency School Closure: In the event of adverse weather causing school to close, we will post information on the school website, there will be a message on the school answerphone and we will ensure that information will be announced on:

Heart Radio (97.2 FM and 102.2 FM)
BBC Wiltshire Radio (103.6 FM and 104.3 FM)
Heart Radio website
BBC Wiltshire Radio website

ParentPay:  Please can you all check your ParentPay accounts for all outstanding and current trips and events.  If you have any problems please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Lipscombe in the school office.

Diary Dates

For the latest , visit the School Diary