Monthly Archives: November 2021

The joy of reading!

What a lovely reading session we had in class today after our mile run.  The excitement of new talk partners…. Followed by the joy of whole

PE in Oak Class

What an afternoon!  First we went outside to take part in a range of activities designed to develop speed, agility and reaction time.  Then we

Rowan Class Highlights!

We’ve had a super-busy couple of weeks in Rowan Class. From school council elections and church visits in RE to reading fluency sessions and rainforest

Acorn Class: Blast Off!

We have been exploring the dark and this week we have been reading a non-fiction book called Inside Space. We have been working on improving

KS1 graffiti wall!

KS1 have been busy this week thinking about how we can spread the message of ‘one kind word’ for anti-bullying week.  The children created a