Year 6

Art in Oak!

This term we’re creating layered portraits as part of our ‘exploring identity’ art topic, combining our drawing skills, paint and collage. We started the unit

Oak Class Curry Club!

Oak Class had a brilliant time preparing, cooking and evaluating their carefully designed curries as part of our DT project this week. After finishing off

Christmas Hats!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and to celebrate we have been busy making eco friendly Christmas hats, ready to proudly parade around

Oak Class: Science!

In science this term we have been investigating the circulatory system. We began by exploring why it is important to look after our bodies before

Children in Need

The house captains did such an incredible job telling us all about the important work that ‘Children in Need’ do. The whole school dressed up

Kurling Fun!

A group of children visited Pewsey Vale School for a Kurling Festival this morning! The children were split into two teams and took turns playing