
Physical Education

Sporty Birch

Today, the girls in Birch class were treated to a coaching session from the Wild Cats, a local girls football club. They loved the opportunity

Hazel in PE

Hazel class enjoyed performing their balancing acts and circus ball tricks this week. Working with partners, they held a tummy or back support and balanced

Year 5 Tag Rugby Festival

Year 5 had an absolutely brilliant day at the tag rugby festival in Marlborough. They played with so much determination, resilience and sportsmanship and we

Oak Class: P.E!

We had a great time in P.E this week! To start with, our awesome Sports Leaders took charge of our warm up with a brilliant

Birch Cricketers

What a wonderful morning Birch class had at the Cricket Skills Festival! The children were guided through some expert coaching and had the opportunity to

Super Skippers

Elder Class had a wonderful time with our Sports Leaders on Monday, who explained all about our new skipping Challenge.