School Uniform


School Uniform:

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (not hoodie) with the school logo
  • Grey/black/navy trousers, skirt, shorts or pinafore (school style)
  • White or navy polo shirt with the school logo
  • White, black, navy or grey tights or socks
  • Black or navy school shoes (no ankle or knee length boots) or plain black trainers
  • Blue checked school dress (optional in the summer months)
  • School logo embroidered book bag
  • Wellies, to be kept in school
  • Trainers of any colour, to be kept in school (unless children wear plain black trainers daily)
  • Sun hat, to be kept in school
  • Optional Microfleece lined jacket – navy with school logo (available from that can be worn as a school coat

Children are expected to wear school uniform and most of the items are widely available.  Navy blue school sweatshirts and polo shirts both bearing the school name and badge are available from our uniform suppliers: Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists, 1 Sanford Street, Swindon, SN1 1HE and My Clothing at

As long as the colour scheme is used, uniform without the school logo is acceptable.  Second-hand clothing is regularly available at PTA sales in the school. Long hair should be tied up at all times, hair accessories should be in school colours and discreet i.e. not JoJo bands.

Active Uniform – This can be worn every day. It is optional and can be worn instead of the above.

  • Navy sweatshirt or cardigan (not hoodie) with the school logo
  • White or navy polo shirt with the school logo – Pale blue polo shirt on PE days
  • Black or navy skort, cycling shorts or leggings
  • Black or navy cotton/jersey jogging bottoms
  • Black or navy cotton shorts
  • Plain grey, black, white or navy socks
  • Plain black trainers


Forest School Clothes:

  • Hats, scarves & gloves/ sun hat for summer months
  • Waterproof coat & trousers, ski pants/salopettes or an all in one waterproof
  • Trousers and a long sleeve top (including during the summer months)


 PE Kit:

Children will come to school in full PE kit on the days they have PE.

  • Microfleece lined jacket – navy with school logo (available from
  • Pale blue polo shirt with school logo
  • Plain black or navy cotton P.E. shorts (not nylon football shorts)
  • Black or navy tracksuit bottoms
  • Navy sweatshirt or hoodie with the school logo

Most of the items are widely available. However, school sweatshirts, white and blue polo shirts and sports fleeces all bearing the school name and badge are available from our uniform suppliers:

Second-hand uniform is available through the St Michael’s PTA.

Contact the PTA for more details or check the school diary for the next uniform sale date.

Water bottles and sun hats are available from the school office.

Jewellery is not allowed for health and safety reasons and children with pierced ears should wear studs (covered with tape for PE).