Latest Past Events
Summer Fair
St Michael's School Back Lane, AldbourneSubscribe to the School Diary
You can add the school diary to your calendar system on your phone or computer, this will then update itself whenever the school calendar is updated. To subscribe to a calendar please follow the relevant instructions for your device:
It is simple, and really useful, to subscribe but also easy to go wrong if you don’t read the instructions!
Do click on the following instructions and follow them if you wish to subscribe to a diary. (Do NOT simply click the web address as this will import events but not update them for you as and when things change). Remember to set your auto-refresh for as often as you would like it to be updated.
iCloud (iPhone, iPads): Click here
iCloud (Macs): Click here
Google calendars (Android phones); Click here (Select using a link)
Outlook: Click here
Calendar’s web address
Copy the web address (below) that relates to your child’s class (you will need to do this for each year group your children are in) as well as the whole school diary (if you want dates of assemblies, term dates, any activity the whole school is involved with etc).
Whole school diary:
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
Year 6:
After School Clubs: