
St. Michael’s Weekly Post – 26th February 2021

26th February 2021


Welcome to Term 4! We were all delighted with the announcement on Monday evening that children will be returning to school on Monday 8th March and we can’t wait to welcome everyone back. With that in mind, this week’s Post contains predominantly reminders of our day to day procedures which will be very similar to December.


Arriving at and leaving school

Unfortunately the guidance is very clear that parents are still not allowed on the school site unless you have made an appointment. This does feel very strange to us but we hope you understand. When you bring your child to school only one parent can bring them. We will continue with our staggered arrival and collection times with two drop off points as follows.





School starts at 8:40am


School ends at 3:10pm

Oak (Year 6) – enter by the Old School Room Back Lane – Please follow our one way system up Back Lane and leave walking past the church towards the Green.
Rowan (Year 5) – main school entrance


Hazel (Year 1) – St Michael’s Close entrance


Please can you walk up the left hand side of St Michael’s Close and leave walking down the right hand side.
Birch (Year 2) – St Michael’s Close entrance


School starts at 8:50am


School ends at 3:20pm

Acorn (Reception) – St Michael’s Close entrance


Please can you walk up the left hand side of St Michael’s Close and leave walking down the right hand side.
Cherry (Year 3) – Back Lane


Back Lane – Please follow our one way system up Back Lane and leave walking past the church towards the Green.
Elder (Year 4) – Back Lane



It is important that no cars drive up Back Lane or St Michael’s Close. Could we also remind parents/carers once your child has been dropped off/collected please move on promptly from the school gates to enable the queue to keep moving and for teachers to see parents waiting.

Siblings – If children have siblings in school then they should arrive at the earliest time and leave at the latest time of the family, at the location of their younger sibling.


Breakfast Club & Willows After School Club

Willows and Breakfast club will be back open from Monday 8th March. Breakfast club will be hosted in the school hall but remains bookable via Preschool. Willows can be booked via email, willows@stmichaelsaldbourne.co.uk. Should you require a place and haven’t already booked, please do so ASAP.


Forest School days

Class Name Forest School
Acorn (Reception) Wednesday
Hazel (Year 1) Every other Monday (starting 8th March)
Birch (Year 2) Every other Monday (starting 15th March)
Cherry (Year 3) Already completed in Term 2
Elder (Year 4) Term 4 – Friday (starting 12th March)
Rowan (Year 5) Term 5
Oak (Year 6) Already completed in Term 1


Forest School will commence from Monday 8th March. Children should come into school in their Forest School clothes and their school shoes on the relevant days. Children will then change into their trainers or wellies in school. We will confirm PE days next week.


School lunches

Should your children require school lunches please book these via the Lataca ParentMail app.


As a reminder, we have children with severe allergies, we therefore ask that if your child brings a packed lunch they do not include eggs or nuts.


Music Lessons

Brass music lessons will restart on the 8th March and Brass Ensembe will recommnce Thursday 18th March. Piano lessons will restart on Tuesday 9th March. We will update you regarding the remaining music lessons once the dates have been confirmed.


Message from Revd Sue Rodd and Parish of Whitton – Lent

Please find attached some ideas for families to do during Lent.


Diary Dates


Date Details Class
Monday 8th March All children to return to school Whole School
Monday 8th March Forest School Hazel
Monday 8th March Brass Lessons restart Brass Pupils
Tuesday 9th March Piano Lessons restart Piano Pupils
Friday 12th March Forest School Elder
Monday 15th March Forest School Birch
Thursday 18th March Brass Ensemble restarts Brass Ensemble
Thursday 1st April Last day of Term 4 – Early finish – If normal collection is at 3:10pm then please collect them at 1pm. If you normally collect your child at 3:20 then please collect them at 1:10pm Whole School
Friday 2nd April Good Friday – Start of Easter holidays Whole School
Monday 19th April Start of Term 5 Whole School
Monday 3rd May Bank holiday – School closed Whole School