22nd September 2023
It has been a little quieter in school this week without our Oak Class (Year 6) who have been embracing the elements during their Residential trip to Rockley. The children have been exploring the south coast with trips to the beach, sailing catamarans, partaking in boat building challenges, playing games and much more! We look forward to hearing all upon their return. Please have a look at the blog on our website to see all the adventures they have had.
Hazel Class Reading Information Session – Tuesday 26th September
We would like to invite all Year 1 parents/carers to a reading information session with tea and coffee on Tuesday 26th September at 8.45am straight after drop off. Please come into school via the main entrance.
Forest School – Acorn Class (Reception) – Wednesday 27th September
Acorn class will begin their weekly Forest School next Wednesday 27th September. A reminder to parents that children will need to come into school in their Forest School clothes – we ask that they wear trousers and long sleeved tops, as well as waterproof coat/trousers or all in ones.
We are still looking for any volunteers that might be able to help in the forest, so please do get in touch with Miss Mearns if you have any availability for this – thank you.
Braeside Residential Trip – Rowan Class
Rowan Class will be off on their Residential trip to Braeside on Wednesday 27th – Friday 29th September. As a reminder, children will need a packed lunch on Wednesday 27th, Lataca will provide a packed lunch for children who normally have a school meal.
Marlborough Literature Festival – Friday 29th September
Oak Class will be attending the Marlborough Literature Festival this year on Friday 29th September at 10am. They will be joining a talk by author Christopher Edge who will bring his book ‘Escape Room’ to life for the children. The talk will last for approximately one hour, followed by a book signing. We are still in need of parents to transport the children to and from the talk if it is to go ahead, so please get in touch with us if you are able to help – admin@stmichaelsaldbourne.co.uk
Marlborough College Hockey Program
Thanks to those who have already signed up to Marlborough College’s annual outreach hockey program. A reminder for those who would like a place to please email admin@stmichaelsaldbourne.co.uk. The dates are:
Monday 2nd October 2023 @ 16:15-17:15 – (skills and games)
Monday 9th October 2023 @ 16:15-17:15 – (skills and games)
Monday 30th October 2023 @ 16:15-17:15 – (skills and games)
Monday 6th November 2023 @ 16:15-17:15 – (tournament day)
Secondary School Applications – Deadline 31st October
A reminder for Oak parents/carers that the deadline for your secondary school applications for September 2024 is 12 midnight on 31st October 2023. Applications are made online at www.wiltshire.gov.uk (or the relevant Council if you live outside of Wiltshire) or via a form that is available from all Wiltshire Council Offices. For any enquiries please contact Wiltshire Council directly on 01225 713010.
For younger siblings, the primary school application deadline is 15th January 2024.
The following open evening/mornings will be taking place over the next couple of weeks – please contact the relevant schools directly if you have any questions.
- King Alfreds, Wantage – 28th September 2023 (4-6pm and 7-8.30pm)
- St John’s, Marlborough – 5th October 2023 (4.30-7pm)
- John O’Gaunts, Hungerford – 12th October 2023 (4.30-7pm), 13th and 16th October (10am-1pm)
Food Allergies
As a reminder, we have children with severe allergies in school, we therefore ask that if your child brings a packed lunch they do not include eggs or nuts.
St Michael’s Church “Discovery Day” – Saturday 30th September
As part of the Patronal Feast this year, St Michael’s Church are organising a ‘Discovery Day’ at the church on Saturday 30th September. There will be a wealth of activities going on throughout the day including music from our own school at 11.30am. Please see the flyer attached for more information.
Safari Supper – 13th October
The Safari Supper is coming up and you are ALL invited! It’s a great way to fundraise easily for our school by enjoying a night out where you only have to cook 1 of the courses, someone else provides the wine and you make new friends into the bargain. If you live out of the village how about pairing up with a friend in Aldbourne or borrowing a kitchen for a course? All tickets available via the this website or from our village post office. The more the merrier and ticket sales with close at the end of the month, so get yours now!
Pupil Premium & Free School Meals
As a reminder, did you know that if you are receiving benefits the school may be able to claim extra funding to support children in school. Please contact Mrs Jamieson if you have any questions or would like an application form.
After School Clubs
Reminder of our after school clubs for anyone who would still like to book in:
Day | Activity | Information | Where | How to book |
Thursday | Performing Arts | Year 2 – 6
Old School Room (Year 6 classroom) | Email Yasmin Yazdi im_yasmin@hotmail.co.uk |
Friday | Ultimate Band | Year 1 – 6 | Old School Room (Year 6 classroom) | Email ultimatetuitionuk@gmail.com |
Friday | Karate | Year 1 – 6 | Hall |
Term 1 – September 2023
Tuesday 26th September | Year 1 Reading Information Session – 8:45am | Hazel Class Parents/Carers |
Wednesday 27th September | Reception Class Forest School | Acorn Class |
Wednesday 27th – 29th September | Residential Trip to Braeside | Rowan Class |
Friday 29th September | St Michael’s Day service in St Michael’s Church – 2:30pm Cherry Class to receive their bibles, Oak Class to receive their leadership badges | Whole School Community |
Friday 29th September | Marlborough LitFest Talk – 10am | Oak Class |
Tuesday 3rd October | Phonics Workshop with Miss Mearns – 8:45am | Acorn Class Parents/Carers |
Friday 6th October | Harvest Festival in St Michael’s Church and Outside Learning Centre opening with coffee provided by PTA – 9:15am | Whole School Community |
Tuesday 10th October & Thursday 12th October | Football Festivals at Pewsey Vale & Marlborough College | Invited Rowan & Oak |
Friday 13th October | House Day – Non-uniform (House colours) | Whole School |
Friday 13th October | Safari Supper | Whole School Community |
Wednesday 18th October | Buddy Service in St Michael’s Church – 9:15am | Acorn and Oak Parents |
Wednesday 18th October | Welly Walk | Whole School |
Thursday 19th– Tuesday 31st October | HALF TERM | Whole School |
Term 2
Friday 3rd November | Celebration Assembly | Whole School Community |
Thursday 14th December | Nativity – Further details to follow | Whole School Community |
TD days
Monday 30th October 2023
Friday 5th January 2024
Monday 19th February 2024
Monday 24th June 2024