This term we’ve started learning about what makes the perfect story! The stories that we love in school have characters, a setting, a problem or two and an ending.
This week, we have been listening to the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes by Jan Fearnley. On Wednesday, we all had a go at making delicious, sweet pancakes with Mrs Newham. We even had an extra one in the forest with out hot drinks!
Some children have been building their own small world settings in their busy time using wooden blocks, carpet tiles, coloured gems, beads and other exciting objects they have found in the classroom. Others have been making their cardboard creations into characters (and a handbag!) after we all had a 1-1 glue gun lesson last week. Story maps have been drawn as well as several children choosing to write during their busy time!
These are just a few examples alongside some of the great games our Amazing Acorns get up to!