11th September 2020
We have had a fantastic house day today where children have been exploring our school values of respect, honesty and love. Thinking about what a lifetime love for learning means to them through our special bible story “The boy in the temple” and our newly commissioned art work which reflects our St Michael’s family.
Arriving at and leaving school
As a staff team we have reviewed the current arrangements for the start and end of the day and we feel that it would be beneficial for the children if we make the below amendments. We feel this will be a simpler and smoother transition for the children, particularly the younger children at the school.
School starts at 8:40am
School ends at 3:10pm |
Oak (Year 6) – enter by the Old School Room | Back Lane – Please follow our one way system up Back Lane and leave walking past the church towards the Green. |
Rowan (Year 5) – main school entrance
Hazel (Year 1) – St Michael’s Close entrance
Please can you walk up the left hand side of St Michael’s Close and leave walking down the right hand side. | |
Birch (Year 2) – St Michaels Close entrance | ||
School starts at 8:50am
School ends at 3:20pm |
Acorn (Reception) – St Michael’s Close entrance
Please can you walk up the left hand side of St Michael’s Close and leave walking down the right hand side. |
Cherry (Year 3) – Back Lane
Back Lane – Please follow our one way system up Back Lane and leave walking past the church towards the Green. | |
Elder (Year 4) – Back Lane
It is important that no cars drive up Back Lane or St Michael’s Close. Could we also remind parents/carers once your child has been dropped off/collected please move on promptly from the school gates to enable the queue to keep moving and for teachers to spot parents waiting.
Siblings – If children have siblings in school then they should arrive at the earliest time and leave at the latest time of the family, at the location of their younger sibling.
We are now receiving fruit and vegetables from our suppliers for snack time, therefore children no longer need to bring a snack to school with them.
Water bottles
As a reminder, it is only water that should come into school in children’s water bottles and not juice or squash, please.
Due to the current Covid19 situation we are trying to avoid hard copy paperwork coming into the school office. Please therefore follow the instructions that come with any request on how to return the information. Should there be an occasion when a paper copy is required to come into the school we will clearly state this on the instructions.
If there is a particular form you require and you are unable to locate it on our website for any reason, please email the school office (admin@stmichaelsaldbourne.co.uk).
Opticians & Hearing
The School Nursing Team have asked us to remind parents/carers that all children should have an annual optician check and if there are any concerns about your child’s hearing, then you should visit your GP.
Next week we will be providing further detail regarding homework.
Thank you for parking considerately
Thank you to all those who have shown consideration to our neighbours by not blocking driveways.
It is much appreciated and we ask for your consideration to continue.
Diary Dates – Term 1
Date | Details | Class |
Wednesday 21st October | End of Term 1 | Whole School |
Thursday 22nd October to Friday 30th October | Half Term | Whole School |