
St. Michael’s Weekly Post – 18th September 2020

18th September 2020


One way system

Following feedback received from some parents regarding the one way system up Back Lane we have considered our approach to the route and have decided to amend it as we feel it would be safer for the children. If your child/children arrive at school at the front gate we would like to ask parents to walk from the Green to the school gate. Once your child is dropped off please then leave via Back Lane promptly. When collecting children please continue to follow the current route (up Back Lane and leave via the Green), the reverse to the morning route. Could we ask all parents/carers to respect and follow our one way system at drop off and collection at both Back Lane and St Michael’s Close and move away from the school premises swiftly.


We appreciate your patience with our recent amendments to our staggered timings and locations, we are working to make it as safe and smooth as possible during these strange times.


Celebration Assembly

This week we have restarted our celebration assembly, with children in their class room coming together as a whole school over Zoom. Each week we celebrate our Super Learner of the Week and Handwriter of the Week from each class. We will also post this on the ClassDojo stories for parents to view the latest class achievements.



Next week we will begin setting homework via ClassDojo. This week we would like to remind everyone of the importance and value of reading at home and ask that children do this for a least 10 minutes a day. For Acorn, Hazel and Birch class, please write in your child’s reading record, which will contribute to the classes reading rocket competition.



The PTA Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 29th September via Zoom. Details will be shared via the school calendar.



We can raise funds for our School through Bag2School, where parents donate unwanted 2nd hand (good quality) clothing. Please collect a bag from the schools gates (from Thursday 24th September) and bring your donations to school on Monday 5th October and drop them off by the front gate before 9am.  Unfortunately we are unable to store any bags before the collection date. The more we give, the more money is raised for our school. Further details on what can be included is held on the Bag2School website.

St Michael’s School Council Elections

At the beginning of October, we will be voting for our new school councillors. Two children in each class from Years 3 – 6, who were not councillors last year, will be chosen in a class vote. If your child wishes to be considered for election they need to prepare something which will help them convince their class why they would be a good choice. It could be a simple speech, a poster, a leaflet, a video or even a PowerPoint!


We will be working on our links with the Nursing Home and, as always, looking for ways to improve the school environment. So, children should keep these in mind when creating their manifesto which needs to be ready for Monday, 28 September.


Holiday Club

FACE Holiday Club will be running during October Half Term at Marlborough St Mary’s. Please find the flyer attached for further details.




Diary Dates – Term 1


Date Details Class
Tuesday 22nd September Sculpture in Landscape 1969-2020 exhibition trip Oak
Wednesday 23rd   September Sculpture in Landscape 1969-2020 exhibition trip. 8.30am at school (siblings can come in at this earlier time) Rowan
Monday 5th October Bag2School donations Whole School
Wednesday 21st October End of Term 1 Whole School
Thursday 22nd October  to Friday 30th October Half Term Whole School