Weekly Post – 27th September 2024

St Michael’s Weekly Post


27th September 2024


Rowan class packed their bags and headed off on their first residential on Wednesday, at Braeside Education Centre. They have had an amazing time getting involved in lots of activities, from navigating town trails and taking in the stunning views at Oliver’s Castle, to trying their hand at canoeing. They have had the chance to scale the climbing wall and take the ‘leap of faith’ before heading back to their dorms for hot chocolate evenings, or singing around the camp fire. Please have a look at the blog on our website to read more about their trip. It has been so wonderful to read what they have been up to and we look forward to hearing more on their return!




Uniform Pop Up Shop
Next week sees our first ever uniform pop up shop taking place at the Aldbourne Community Junction (16 The Square, Aldbourne, Marlborough, SN8 2DU). It will be open every day during the charity shop hours plus from 3-4pm after school every week day. Donations are suggested at £1 per item and will raise money for the PTA as well as making sure the uniform doesn’t end in landfill! We look forward to seeing you all there.


Bag2School Collection – Monday 30th September
A reminder that we have our collection on Monday. A great opportunity to have a good clear out this weekend and please bring your donations into school first thing. For a full list of items they would like please see here: https://bag2school.com/what-we-collect. Thank you!


St Michael’s Day Service – Friday 4th October

We continue to celebrate our school’s namesake and we will be holding a St Michael’s Day on Friday 4th October.  The wonderful Rev. Sue Rodd will lead a whole school service for us at 9am. All parents/carers and siblings are invited to join us. We hope to see you there.


School Harvest Festival Celebration – Friday 11th October

Our school Harvest Festival service will take place on Friday 11th October at 9.15am in the church and families are very welcome to join the celebration.


As per last year, we will be collecting produce for Swindon Food Collective and donations can be left at both entrances of school from Wednesday 2nd October. The Food Collective website gives more details of the basic staples that are most urgently needed, including tins of backed beans, small jars of coffee and squash.

Acorn and Oak Buddy Service – Tuesday 22nd October

Acorn and Oak parents are invited to join us at St Michael’s Church for our “Buddy Service” on Tuesday 22nd October at 9am, followed by coffee in the school hall. We’re so proud of our buddy system we offer at St Michael’s and this is a great opportunity to welcome new families and chat over coffee and cake. Younger siblings are most welcome – we will have a corner of toys for them!


Sponsored Welly Walk – Wednesday 23rd October

On Wednesday 23rd October the children will be taking part in our annual Welly Walk around the school grounds for an afternoon, raising money for our school. It’s a fun event, with the whole school walking in their wellies (that children should all have in school or something suitable)… whatever the weather! After the walk the PTA will greet the children with a warming hot chocolate. Children will finish school at the usual time. More detail on the fundraising to come.


Secondary School Applications – Deadline 31st October

A reminder for Oak parents/carers that the deadline for your secondary school applications for September 2025 is 12 midnight on 31st October 2024. Applications are made online at www.wiltshire.gov.uk (or the relevant Council if you live outside of Wiltshire) or via a form that is available from all Wiltshire Council Offices. For any enquiries please contact Wiltshire Council directly on 01225 713010.


Gardening Volunteers needed

Many of you won’t realise that we have been lucky enough to have a lovely couple, Jan and Ray, who give up their time most weekends to ensure our school grounds look so beautiful. Sadly their volunteering time with St Michael’s is coming to an end and we wanted to say a huge thank you to them for everything they have done for us.


With their departure, we are now asking for any parents/grandparents/volunteers who might have the time to help us in the garden, particularly with the pots. It may be a group that could rotate or someone who can commit to most weekends. Please do get in touch if you’d like to help.


Forest School Pre-schooler Stay and Play

We are hosting a pre-schooler forest school stay and play for those children starting school next year. If you know anyone with a 3 or 4 year old who might be keen to join us please do share the following link.




Thank you to those who’ve already purchased tickets for the Safari Supper on Friday 11th October. You have the opportunity to sign up for either starter / main / dessert and then the other 2 options will be hosted by someone else – you will find out on the night who you will visit (with your partner!). It will conclude at 11pm in The Crown. For those who live outside the village you can host in the school’s own Lodge or the AYC, or do ask a friend if you could borrow their kitchen to do a course. Just click here to sign up!


Picture News

Story: Book publishing company, Penguin Random House UK, has revealed a new book-vending machine, which aims to make works by writers of colour more visible in schools.
Question: How important is it to know about the author behind the book?
Virtual Picture News: www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss


Message from Action for the River Kennet
Please join a beautiful walk of a private stretch of the Kennet from 10-12pm or 1.30-2.30pm on Saturday 5th October. The morning walk is free and open to the public. The afternoon walk is free for our members and active volunteers. Please visit our website for more information: ARK River Kennet


Message from Aldbourne AYC
Please note Youth Club is currently closed, apart from Fridays when it is open from 5-8pm.


Message from St Michael’s Church – Discovery Day, Saturday 5th October

Discovery Day at St Michael’s Church will be taking place on Saturday 5th October from 10am-5pm. There is so much to see and do this year… including our Discovery Day 2024 challenge for children (all of the activities are for bigger people to enjoy too!). Weather permitting, our Improved Angel Teddy Zipwire will have flights departing at 11am and 3pm: remember to bring your teddy bear – check-in opens 30 minutes before take-off.


Term 1 2024

Full term dates are available on our website.


Tuesday 1st October Tri-Golf Festival, Marlborough Golf Club Selected Elder and Rowan
Friday 4th October St Michael’s Day service at the church –  9am Whole School Community
Friday 11th October


Harvest Festival service in St Michael’s Church – 9.15am Whole School Community
PTA Safari Supper Evening Whole School Community
Monday 14th October Football Festival, Pewsey Vale Selected Elder and Rowan
Monday 14th – Friday 18th October Plas Pencelli Residential Trip Oak
Tuesday 22nd October Buddy Service followed by coffee, 9am at St Michael’s Church Acorn and Oak
Wednesday 23rd October


Welly Walk Whole School
Last day of term Whole School
Thursday 24th October – Sunday 3rd November Half Term Whole School


Term 2


Monday 4th November First day of term Whole School
Friday 8th November Weekly Celebration Assembly commences 8.50am Whole School Community
Friday 29th November TD Day (children not in school) Whole School
Tuesday 17th December School Nativity (2pm and 5.30pm) Whole School Community
Wednesday 18th December Panto – Dick Whittington (late return to school) Whole School
Friday 20th December Last day of term, parent Christmas workshop (am) Whole School Community


TD Days:

Friday 29th November 2024

Monday 24th February 2025

Monday 23rd June 2025

Friday 24th July 2025


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