
Weekly Post – 13th September 2024


St Michael’s Weekly Post


13th September 2024


It’s been a busy second week back in school! Hazel were back into the forest kicking off this term’s focus on habitats. Cherry discussed God’s wonderful world, celebrating what they could find in nature and Acorn class continued to make new friends playing and den building! We ended our week with a brilliant assembly to announce our new School Council members. For those who are unaware, last term the children put forward their applications for which ‘leader’ they would like to be elected for including play, music and sports. They will then represent the school in communicating ideas to teachers and classmates alike at regular meetings to help develop our wonderful school. Well done everyone and we look forward to hearing which topics will arise this year!





Acorn Class (Reception) – Monday 16th September Onwards

As a reminder, children will be in school for full days from next week – 8:35am until 3:15pm. Children are collected from the playground after school. Forest School will start on Tuesday and children will need to come into school in their Forest School clothes – we ask that they wear trousers and long sleeved tops, as well as waterproof coat/trousers or all in ones. Please let Mrs Sudlow in the office know if you can volunteer – we would like at least two helpers each week.

We will start weekly PE lessons on Wednesday, so please send them to school in their kit which consists of a light blue top and blue/black shorts. On cold days, children can wear jogging bottoms but please make sure shorts are put into the children’s school bag.

We would also like to invite all Acorn parents/carers to come in to meet with Miss Mearns for a Phonics Workshop on Tuesday 24th September at 8:45am to learn more about our approach to teaching reading and to enjoy a tea or coffee. Please come into school via the main entrance.

Photographs and School Play

A reminder that there is the option on Weduc to purchase the whole school photograph, the apache photograph as well as the link to the school play. If you would like a copy of the photographs, please make your purchase by next Friday.



Explorers and Adventurers Clubs
Your children are invited to come and join Rvd Sue and Emily for a fun time of songs, Bible videos, activities and craft. There are lots of stories in the Bible, but all tell one big story: The story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them. It takes the whole Bible to tell this story, and at the centre of the story, there is a baby. Every story in the Bible whispers his name.

Explorers – Years 2-3: Explorers club for Years 2-3 is back on Tuesday lunchtimes.

Adventurers – Years 4-6: Adventurers club is back by popular demand. Friday lunchtimes in the Year 3 classroom.

These clubs are free to attend and children can choose each week whether to join in, but they will get the most out of it by attending regularly. Please note, the first 2 sessions for Explorers will run on Mondays 16th and 23rd Sept but will switch to Tuesdays from October.

Music Lessons – Strings

We are delighted to have a new strings teacher starting lessons at St Michael’s. Nikki Young has worked for the Oxfordshire County Music Service for over 30 years and has taught privately in schools for the last 14 years, teaching individual lessons as well as conducting orchestras and string groups.


Nikki will be starting weekly lessons in school. These are aimed at Year 2 upwards. There is a choice of violin, viola or cello lessons. Pupils will need to supply their own instruments although she has a ¾ violin that she could bring in for children to try. Parents will need to buy or hire an instrument if you do not have one at home and Nikki can happily give advice on sizing etc. before your child starts. She suggests two good places to hire from: the first is in Newbury (Philip Brown Violins) and the second is an online company (instrumenthire.com).

Blogs and Social Media
For those who are new to the school, please do keep an eye on our website for regular blog updates as to what the school have been up to as well as our Facebook and Instagram for a sneak peek into school life!

Picture News

Story: The Wildlife Photographer of the Year shortlist has recently been announced, with just 100 photos left in the competition.
Question: How can photos shape the world?
Virtual Picture News: www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss


Bag2School Collection
We will have a Bag2School Collection on Monday 30th September, the summer holidays are a great time to have a good clear out! They will collecting good quality items for RE-USE: Men’s, ladies’ & children’s clothing, paired shoes, handbags, belts & accessories. Please see the full list here –https://bag2school.com/what-we-collect. The collection will raise money for the school, so please do have a look at what you could bring in. Thank you.







Term 1 2024

Full term dates are available on our website.


Monday 16th September Reception to start full days Acorn
Tuesday 17th September Reception Forest School Acorn
Wednesday 18th September Brass ensemble to commence Brass Ensemble
Wednesday 25-Friday 27th September Braeside Residential Trip Rowan
Friday 27th September Marlborough LitFestival Talk Oak
Monday 14th-Friday 18th October Plas Pencelli Residential Trip Oak
Thursday 24th October – Sunday 3rd November Half Term Whole School


TD Days:


Friday 29th November 2024

Monday 24th February 2025

Monday 23rd June 2025

Friday 24th July 2025