
St. Michael’s Weekly Post – For Week Beginning 30th September 2019

27th September 2019

Reception and Year 6 Buddy Service

4th October 2019

We would like to invite all parents of children in Reception and Year 6 to our Buddy Service

2pm in St Michael’s Church.

Join us afterwards in school for a cup of tea.


Car Parking:  We do appreciate parking is difficult but please can you consider our neighbours and refrain from parking in St Michael’s Close, Back Lane or blocking access at the bottom of Back Lane.  Please do not bring vehicles up to the front or rear of the school at drop off and collection times.  Thank you for your cooperation.

 Reception:  Please can you return the New Health Entry Review form to the blue post box outside the office by Friday 4th October.

 Nasal Flu Vaccination:  If you haven’t already done so please give your consent/not consent for your child to receive the nasal flu vaccination by completing https://schoolimms.virgincare.co.uk/flu/2019/wilts.  If you have any queries, please see the FAQ on the link or contact the team directly on 0300 247 0082.    If you do not have access to a computer please see Mrs Lambert in the school office.

 Calling all candidates for the School Council:  Don’t forget your applications to be a school councilor need to be ready for elections next week. Good luck!

 Aldi Get Set to Eat Fresh:  We are still collecting Aldi stickers for our poster.  Please place any stickers in the blue post box outside the school office. For more information visit https://getseteatfresh.co.uk/kitforschools or see the school notice board for more details.

Foundation Governors needed:  Would you like to join the Governing Body of our school?

We are looking for two Foundation Governors for next year.  If this is a position that would be of interest and you would like more information, please speak to Simon Knighton – Chair of Governors (via Sarah Hamilton in the school office) or Mrs Arkwright.

 Messages from St Michael’s Aldbourne PTA (formerly known as Friends of St Michael’s School)

Name Change: We are in the process of changing our name from Friends of St Michael’s School to St Michael’s Aldbourne PTA. We hope that the name will be changed and registered with the charities commission this term.

Welly Walk: On Friday 18th October we will be completing our annual Welly Walk around the school grounds. This is our first event of the year and a great opportunity to help us kick start the 2019/20 fundraising. Please encourage friends and family to sponsor your child through our Virgin Money Giving website so that we can claim 25% extra money in Gift Aid. Go to:

then go to Fundraisers and create a page
and then sign up or log in to do a Welly Walk
Tell it you’re doing “something else” on 18th October 2019
Then search for our charity, this is: St Michael’s Aldbourne PTA

Then get sending it to all your friends and family and the money will automatically be paid into the Friends of St Michael’s School account WITH gift aid and you don’t have to go around collecting a penny!  Alternatively, you can do the good old-fashioned Sponsorship form that you’ll find in book bags this week. Extra forms available in reception.

Second Hand Uniform Sale: Friday 4th October we will be holding a second hand uniform at 3:15pm on the playground (in the hall if wet). We are now only accepting donations of logo tops and jumpers in good condition. No other uniform please.

Weekly Homework


Year 1 Maths


Page 27
Year 2 Maths


Page 3


Year 1 and 2 Phonics and Spellings Phonics book 4 – pages 6&7

Phonics book 5 – pages 4&5

Phonics 10 min workout – autumn workout 3
Spellings – page 2

Year 3 Maths


Page 3

Page 5


Year 4 Maths


Page 5 (Q1&2 only)

Page 32


Year 5 Maths


Page 1&2

Page 2&3


Year 6 Maths


Page 5

Pages 31-32


Diary Dates

For the latest , visit the School Diary