Weekly Post – 24th November 2023


St Michael’s Weekly Post


24th November 2023


It has been a big sporting week for St Michael’s with some of our pupils competing in netball tournaments and cricket festivals in Marlborough. We are so proud of the sporting attitude, resilience and perseverance they have shown. Acorn class have been learning about Diwali, recreating the story by dressing up and having great fun celebrating. Hazel class received a wonderful tour of the village from the Aldbourne Heritage Group, learning about the Great Fire of Aldbourne and lots of other interesting snippets about our lovely village.


We wanted to say a big thank you to all of our pupils for their fundraising efforts over the past few weeks through our poppy sales and our Children in Need contributions. It is great to have donated hundreds of pounds to these important charities – thank you.




Parents Evening

Thank you for your patience with regards to rescheduling our parents evenings. These will now take place next week on Wednesday 29th November and Thursday 30th November. Appointments are available to book via Weduc.


Forest School – Cherry Class

There will be no forest school for Cherry class next week.


Festive Dates

As Christmas creeps closer, we want to make sure you are aware of all of the festive activities that will be happening in school:


Friday 1st December                  The Christingle service will take place in St Michael’s Church at 2:15pm on Friday 1st December, with the whole school and preschool.  The church will bless the chocolate oranges donated for the Food Collective (see note below from our School Council regarding this), and start the Posada figures (Mary, Joseph & the donkey) on their journey around the village to the Crib Service on Christmas Eve.  If you’d like to host the figures for a night, please email helpline@whittonteam.org.uk giving your phone number and preferred date(s).


Saturday 9th December                  Brass Ensemble & the School Choir (Year 2 upwards) to perform at Aldbourne Brass Band Concert at 4pm. Annually, we are invited to sing with the brass ensemble and the Aldbourne brass band at their Christmas concert. Tickets will need to be purchased if you wish to stay and watch or alternatively you are able to drop your child and collect after. More details on how to purchase tickets to follow.


Thursday 14th December        Our Nativity Performances in the Church – 2pm and 5:30pm.

All children are to arrive back at school (through the main entrance) at 5:10pm to get ready for their evening performance. Children are to then be collected from school after, at a time TBC.

The PTA will be raising money, selling drinks & mince pies.

Can we please ask that younger children attend the 2pm session if they wish to see the nativity, rather than the evening performance.


Tuesday 19th December                 School Christmas Lunch. Please book this for your child on the Lataca ParentMail app. In the morning, children will be making hats out of newspaper. If you have any newspaper for recycling, we would love to have it in school.


Wednesday 20th December          Pantomime Trip. We will be taking the whole school to the Newbury Corn Exchange to watch the performance of Beauty and the Beast. The payment will be available to pay via Weduc payments next week. Children are to be in school uniform. We will need 12 volunteers, please.  If this is something you are able to help with, please email admin@stmichaelsaldbourne.co.uk


Thursday 21st December               Parent Workshop 8:45am – 11.30am & early finish for the last day of term 2, at 1pm. We would like to invite you all into school for a morning of festive fun with your children. Please head to the hall after drop off, where there will be a Christmas story acted out by some of your favourite teachers, followed by a creative activity. We will be making our own Christmas angels so please bring with you any materials you may wish to use. You can be as creative as you wish…..nothing is too small, big or glittery….  The parents session will be finished by 11:30am.

We realise that not all children will have a family member available   to join us.  We therefore ask if there are children without a family  member that you include them in your group.  Thank you.

We will be finishing our last day of term early at 1pm.


Message from the School Council
The School Council would like to ask everyone to bring in as many chocolate oranges as possible which will be donated to local food banks instead of sending Christmas cards to one another. This is to help our community reduce paper usage, to spread a little joy and a merry Christmas for those who need it most. Please donate before Friday 1st December and we will announce how many chocolate oranges have been collected, let’s see if we can beat last year’s total!


Picture News

Story: Scientists have found more flowering plants, moss, and algae in Antarctica in the last 10 years than usually grow in 50 years, and the extent of floating sea ice there has hit record lows.
Question: Who is responsible for Antarctica?
Virtual Picture News: Found here: www.picture-news.co.uk/discuss


Flu Vaccination

As a reminder, please complete the online permission form to give consent or decline the nasal flu vaccine on the following link by Monday 27th November, ready for the vaccination on Wednesday 29th November.  If the form is not completed by this date your child will not receive the vaccine in school.


Willows Vacancy

Willows After School Club are looking for a new member of staff to join our happy team. We are looking for an individual who will enjoy interacting with the children in a whole range of activities. Ideally the candidate will have experience with children and have good communication skills. They will enjoy working with children and have the ability to use your initiative.  A sense of fun and an understanding of the importance of play are a must! In return, we can offer the opportunity to be a member of the very happy St Michael’s staff team who are friendly and supportive. Please see attached for more information and if you wish for an application form please contact admin@stmichaelsaldbourne.co.uk

Messages from the PTA:

Bag2School – 4th December
There will be a Bag2School collection taking place on Monday 4th December. If you have any unwanted clothing, bags, shoes etc. please do bring them into school on this date. A full list of items accepted is found on their website. This will raise funds for our school so please do donate as much as you can, it is a good excuse for a clear out!


Christmas Wreath Making will take place on Thursday 7th December from 7-9pm in the school hall. Tickets are £30 and include all materials and festive treats – just bring your secateurs! There will be a bar serving mulled wine and prosecco. Tickets can be purchased using card or bank transfer using the following link or by emailing aldbournepta@gmail.com.


Christmas Fair – Saturday 9th December 12-3:30pm
Join us at the St Michael’s School Christmas Fair on Saturday 9th December from 12pm to 3:30pm for an afternoon of family fun. There will be craft activities and games to play, children’s Christmas jumper swap shop, stalls for Christmas shopping, Christmas trees (available to pre-order and collect on the day via Aldbourne Post Office) as well as festive food and drink. Father Christmas will also be joining us with presents for the children who visit him. Put the date in your diary, we would love to see you there.


Message from St Michael’s Church:


Please join us for a Christmas Sale on Saturday 25th November from 2-4pm in the Aldbourne Memorial Hall in aid of St Michael’s Church. There will be Father Christmas giving out small presents and other activities. We would like to invite children to design a Christmas card which will be judged on the day by a local artist. Please include name and age on the back of the design.


Message from Aldbourne Carnival Committee:

The Aldbourne Carnival Committee will be showing a screening of The Polar Express on Saturday 2nd at the Memorial Hall at 4pm. This will be followed by a Christmas tree light switch on at the pond. Tickets are free and available tomorrow from the square at 9.30am.

Message from Great Bedwyn Pantomime Society:

One more week to go until the Great Bedwyn Panto of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves. Do ring 07891972389 to reserve a ticket and come to support the children of St Michael’s in it! Thursday 30th November (7.30pm) Friday 1st December (7.30pm) and Saturday 2nd December (2.30pm and 7.30pm).

Term 2


Wednesday 29th November Nasal Flu Vaccine Whole School (with permission)
Wednesday 29th November Parents Evening Whole School Community
Thursday 30th November Parents Evening Whole School Community
Thursday 30th November Chemistry lecture at Marlborough College Oak
Friday 1st December Christingle service in St Michael’s Church 2:15pm Whole School Community
Thursday 7th December PTA Wreath Making – 7pm Whole School Community
Saturday 9th December Christmas Fair – 12-3:30pm Whole School Community
Thursday 14th December Nativity – 2pm and 5:30pm Whole School Community
Tuesday 19th December School Christmas Lunch Whole School
Wednesday 20th December Pantomime Whole School
Thursday 21st December Parents Workshop 8:45-11.30am
Last day of term – early finish 1pm
Whole School Community



TD days

Friday 5th January 2024

Monday 19th February 2024

Monday 24th June 2024